
Christmas is my favorite holiday of the whole year.  When Christmas time rolls around, people put up decorations, Christmas music is playing everywhere, and everyone is so happy.  Christmas is also a time to celebrate Jesus’ birth.  Another one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is going to a Christmas service at my church.  My church puts on a fantastic service for Christmas.  My family and I go to church with my friend and his family and we all watch the nativity reenactment and listen to the music and the message.  My second favorite part of Christmas after celebrating Jesus’ birth (because you know, God 1st), is getting and giving presents.  I love being able to buy presents for people and seeing their reaction when they open it.  I also love getting gifts from my family and reading all the Christmas cards we get.  I love being able to be together and getting to see all my family on Christmas, too.  My family is very busy all the time and I don’t see them very often because we all have jobs and different schedules but when Christmas roles around we all get together and spend a couple days together.  Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year and it is a great way to get together with your family and celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad was in my opinion the best TV show ever to be made.  When it ended, I was so sad because I spent every minute of my summer watching it.  I felt like I had no purpose in my life after it was over.  For those who don’t know what Breaking Bad is, it is a show about a guy with cancer who needs to pay for his treatment so he starts making and selling meth.  He gets to far into the drug game and a whole bunch of crazy stuff happens.  He kills people, steals a lot of things, and makes a whole lot of money.  If you haven’t seen it, you should definitely consider watching it.  It is the most intense TV show I have ever seen. It had me on the edge of me seat with every single episode.  My whole family would stay in on tuesday nights, I think it was, and we would watch it together.  Its kind of sad because that is the only time my whole family would be together but it was so fun because we all enjoyed the show so much.  If you have seen it before then you get the saying, “Say my name.” That scene was my favorite scene from the whole TV show.


Have you ever met someone that rambles on about everything?  I haven’t. I want to though.  I want to do a lot of things.  I want to go skydiving, go to Europe, and eat a sandwich because I’m really hungry right now.  I would like a sandwich with turkey on it.  Maybe like one of the sandwiches from the den! Speaking on the den, why do they call it the den? When ever I tell my friends “Lets go to the den!” I feel like I’m saying lets go to a cave or something.  I don’t feel like I’m saying lets go to a place to get food.  In n Out is a pretty good place to go get food.  Last summer I went to In n Out almost every single day.  My longest streak of eating at In n Out is 12 days in a row.  Another thing I do pretty often is skateboard.  I skateboard everywhere!  If you see me somewhere, I will probably have a skateboard with me.  I hate walking. I also hate running.  You know who likes to run? Forest Gump!  He really likes to run.  I don’t know why he ran everywhere.  I would not be able to run everywhere.  Thats way to much work for me.  Forest Gump always seemed to ramble about things, too….. I guess I do know someone who rambles.


I am very indecisive.  I can never seem to make a decision on anything.  If someone asks me where I want to eat, I can never make a decision.  If someone asks me where I want to go hangout, I can never make a decision.  Even for this blog, I could not decide what word describes me the best, so I chose to write about my inability to choose.  Not being able to choose is definitely a good thing though.  My indecisiveness can really get in the way sometimes.  It is very frustrating for me because I am a people pleaser, so I don’t want to choose anything that is best for me because other people might not like it.  Almost anytime I give a suggestion for where to eat, everyone usually says that they don’t want to eat there or they don’t like that place.  I just sit there like ok cool…I tried.  I am really also indecisive about which socks I wear.  It is a really hard choice in the morning for me.  Since I have so many socks, there are just endless choices it seems.  I have so many choices that it is almost overwhelming.  Do I want fancy ones today, or striped ones, or pink ones. They choices are endless.  If I could I will always have someone else choose things for me.

Excess of Everything

In todays society, Americans live with an excess of everything and waste what we have more than ever.  We order huge plates of food and don’t consume half of it. We buy things in bulk from places like Costco and use a slight percentage of what we actually buy.  Back in the time the book was written, people did not have a lot of excess and they used what they had wisely.  In chapter 17 of The Screwtape Letters, the patient thinks that she is not wasting by ordering very small amounts of food but the amount and way it is prepared has to be exactly what she wants in order for her to be satisfied.  Today, we do the same thing but with more amounts of what we want.  We have things made just the way we want them and in excess amounts.  Gluttony of delicacy would kind of be applicable in todays world but not fully.  Most of what we care about is have more and more of everything.  We are not satisfied with things anymore unless we have more of it.  Things are so mass produced now that we have learned that having an excess of something is good.

My Love For New Socks

I hop in my car and I race to the mall as fast as I can.  I would run into Zumiez if it was socially acceptable because I’m so excited.  I walk into the store and go straight to the back where the socks are.  My eyes light up!  What a beautiful sight…  Socks with patterns. Socks with different colors, Stance, Huf, The Hundreds, 40’s and Shorties, Obey, Pink Dolphin, Active, Odd Future.  Every brand and style you could think of.  I pick out about five of my favorite socks.  I sit on the couch in the back of the store and lay them all out.  I debate between which ones I like the most and I decide on three of them.  I go to the register and pay for my socks and race out of the store and back home.  I run inside my house and rip open the bag!  I tear the tags off of the socks and take a deep breath.  I slip the socks on one at a time taking as much time as I need.  There is no better feeling in the world to me than putting on new socks for the first time.  That fuzzy, soft, and warm feeling on my feet is intoxicating.  I walk around my house sliding on my wood floors and enjoying the feeling of my new socks.  I could spend all day doing nothing but trying on my socks.  It sounds weird, but its not.  I currently own 72 pairs of socks and have spent over 800 dollars on socks alone. Im not weird. Don’t judge me. God first.

Writing About Nothing

“And the idea of just wandering off to a cafe with a notebook and writing and seeing where that takes me for awhile is just bliss.” -J.K. Rowling

Going somewhere peaceful and just writing about nothing sounds pretty boring. I have a lot more better things I could be doing than sitting and writing for hours on end. I could go eat a hamburger, go sky diving, do some homework, or just anything. I’de probably rather be doing anything else than writing for fun. If I saw someone sitting in a coffee shop just writing and for some weird reason I knew they were doing it for fun, I would go up to them and “accidentally” spill my coffee on them. Im just kidding that would be mean. They’re probably pretty nice in real life. I would be appalled if someone spilled coffee on me just for writing. Then again I would not be writing in the first place.

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” -Ernest Hemingway

Writing is truly nothing at all. I could write for a long time about my love for new socks. I just have to be motivated to do so. Which I am not. I am motivated however to keep writing this blog because my grade depends on it. Writing this is nothing because I could just go on about nothing and hopefully get points for it. Lets see how it works out for me. I’ll be sure to let everyone know… Hi Thurbs.


One day I had to take the bus home after school.  I stepped onto the bus and saw a super hot girl sitting in the back.  I pulled out my gum and started chewing it just in case my breath smelled bad. I walked to the back and sat next to the fine specimen and starting talking to her.  After a while of talking, I could tell that she really liked me.  I kept making her smile and I thought she was so beautiful.  We decided to started telling each other stupid pick up lines. I hit her with this one: “Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa just what I want for Christmas.” It made her laugh and then she said this too me,”Did you fart? Because you blew me away!” It made me laugh so hard that I spit the gum I was chewing right in her face. She was so disgusted and was in shear shock of what I had just done.  I immediately got up walked to the front of the bus and stood there for 2 more stops until it was my turn to get off. I never saw her again.